
Children can be discharged from the SLT service for many reasons:

  • When their identified needs have been addressed by the Service.
  • If a child fails to attend appointments – parents and the referrer are informed.
  • When a school would be expected to support a child’s speech, language and communication needs – the SEND code of practice, January 2015 states that “speech and language therapy… must be treated as special educational provision where they educate or train a child or young person.”
  • If the child’s needs are more suitably met through support from another agency.
  • The child has been referred on to a more suitable service.
  • There has been a sustained period of intervention with no measurable progress.

On discharge, a written report will be provided outlining the nature of SLT involvement with the child, any outstanding communication concerns, specific recommendations to support those concerns, and a timescale over which to monitor the impact of those recommendations.

Parents are always informed that they can contact the SLT service should further concerns arise.

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