What do we do?

Speech & Language Therapists (SLTs) assess how children and young people communicate with family, friends, and in their educational setting. Our aim is to enable children and young people to communicate effectively and for adults around them to feel confident about how to support their young person’s communication.

Developing confidence,
skills and abilities
Supporting schools
and family members
Using signs and symbols
with spoken language

There can be many reasons for a child’s difficulties including; general developmental delay, physical/sensory difficulties, learning difficulties, autism, and / or specific communication disorder. Once we understand why a young person has difficulty with communication, we explore ways to make it easier.

Support for Early Years Settings

The Early Years contracted SLT service supports specific childcare settings through training, advice and signposting, to help develop children’s communication skills.

Support for Pre-school Children

We work closely with adults caring for children in their early years, including parents, Health Visitors, and Childcare workers, to encourage communication friendly environments.

Support for School-aged Children

We support children in a range of settings according to their communication needs, including community clinics, schools, and the child’s home environment.

Eating and Drinking Support

Speech & Language Therapists also have a role in assessing children & young people’s eating, drinking & swallowing. We have a separate referral form for this.

Contact details

Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy
1st Floor, Chelmsley Wood Primary Care Centre
Crabtree Drive
B37 5BU

Tel: 0121 722 8010

Instagram Page: @uhbpcslt

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Raising Concerns or Complaints

If you wish to raise a concern or complaint, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0121 424 0808 or by emailing Pals@uhb.nhs.uk​​​ 

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