How to make a referral
The Paediatric Physiotherapy Service will see children who have physical difficulties with gross motor skills who also fall into one of the following categories:
Children aged between 0-16 years who have a Solihull GP
Children up to 19 years of age if they are in full-time education within a Solihull Special School
Children aged between 4-16 years who attend a Solihull school and where input is school-based. (Please note if you have a Solihull GP but your child is at school in Birmingham, your child will be seen by Birmingham physiotherapy services)
The Paediatric Physiotherapy Service also accept children aged between 0-6 years who have a Solihull GP and have a musculoskeletal condition such as torticollis, Erb’s palsy, Perthes disease, gait abnormalities and pain (please note this is not an exhaustive list)