Should you need to contact us, then please use the methods below. We are always happy to talk through any referral queries or answer any questions you may have. Please note that our working hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:45 pm.
Contact Us
0121 722 8010
There is no facility to leave a message for the services outside of the above hours. The service can experience very busy periods where your calls may not be answered immediately. In the event of this, there is an option to leave a message and these messages are checked routinely and responded to.
This address is for the Occupational Therapy team only, if you wish to email another team, please look at their own webpages. This account is only monitored once a day. If you need assistance more urgently, then please call us.
Please do not use this email for complaints. If you wish to raise a concern or complaint, please contact Patients Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0121 424 0808 or by emailing
Solihull Children’s Community Occupational Therapy Services
Chelmsley Wood Primary Care Centre,
Crabtree Drive,
B37 5BU

Page Last Reviewed: 26/03/2024