
Your therapist will discuss your concerns and identify targets to focus on during your child’s therapy. Targets may focus on developing a school age child’s speech sounds and a pre-school child’s speech sounds or understanding and/or use of language through specific targets on listening to specific speech sounds, articulating sounds, vocabulary development, sentence building, understanding of instructions etc. For further information about Speech, Language and Communication Needs, visit the website.

You will be given strategies or activities following each session to practise at home and your therapist may discuss sharing these targets with other professionals such as teaching staff so they can also support your child.

What next?

You will be invited to virtual sessions. Following the sessions, the therapist will write a report with recommendations and will discuss sharing this report with any other professionals who may be involved in your child’s care.

It is important to attend all of the virtual appointments offered as not attending may delay your child’s SLT support or result in discharge.

If you are working with a therapist they may advise you to access some of our online resources. You can access these using the ‘targeted resources’ link below. Please note, you will require the password provided to you by the therapist.

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