Occupations: Leisure

All too often, leisure occupations are neglected in order to pursue other occupations such as self-care, school or work. Engaging in leisure occupations is an important part of our own health and well-being. Each child has their own unique idea of what leisure is. Each child is different and they all have their own interests, so the definition of a leisure occupation will vary child to child. To make it easy, a leisure occupation is anything that a child enjoys doing.

Bike Riding

Art and Craft

Theatre and Dance


Sporting Activities

Cooking and Baking

Every Moment Matters: Making Leisure Matter

The Every Moment Matters charity has set up an initiative called “Making Leisure Matter”. The following section has been taken from their website (with consent), for more details, please visit Making Leisure Matter – Every Moment Counts.

Why is Leisure Important?

The activities we engage in help define who we are, where we have been, and where we are going. We want to hear children say things like ‘I love to draw‘ or ‘I like to play basketball‘ or ‘I like going to a drama group‘. So, ask the question, “What do you like to do for fun after school?” and take an interest.

What are the Benefits of Engaging in Leisure Occupations?

Youth who engage in one or more structured leisure activities after school do better social, emotionally, and academically. Specifically, participation in out-of-school structured leisure activities is associated with improvements in:

  • academic achievement1
  • personal development (identity and skill development, development of hobbies & interests, development of initiative)2
  • interpersonal development (social skills and friendships)2,3
  • development of beginning work skills (time management, persistence, following directions)4
  • social and emotional development (managing feelings, controlling impulses, improved self-esteem).3

Leisure Groups in and Around the Solihull Area

Below is a list of groups and activities available for children and young people in the Solihull area. With something for everyone, you’ll find anything from ice-skating to football! Clicking the buttons below will take you directly to the organiser’s website or leaflet for more information.

Inclusive Leisure: How can you support and coach children and young people in your sport groups?

Helpful Resources

Page Last Reviewed: 27/03/2024

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